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Blunt Blowin' Mama

May 18, 2023

We're bringing back the Cannamom Roundtable and this time we're talking about postpartum, life after baby gets here, and how cannabis helps. Get ready for a raw and unfiltered conversation about mental health and postpartum. A lot of women have postpartum depression after giving brith and do not know it --...

May 11, 2023

Happy Mother's Day! To celebrate, I'm introducing the Cannamom Roundtable series, a safe space for moms to gather and talk about how they use plant medicine for motherhood and wellness. Shonitria leads a conversation featuring moms from different backgrounds and various stages of their motherhood journey for an open and...

May 4, 2023

It's May, and we are honoring mamas all month long on the Blunt Blowin' Mama podcast! If you have questions about cannabis use for motherhood or you just want an OB-GYN's thoughts on weed, this episode is for you. We are kicking off the month with a conversation about all the ways cannabis can help ladies be well from...